[Video] Homosexuality was My Identity

Becket spent over 25 years pursuing the desires we all desperately want as human beings: relationships, love, intimacy, support, and affirmation. Undeniably, these desires had a unique grip on his heart that was incomparable to any other desire. They carried with them emotions that vastly impacted his will, intentions, and actions and became a unique part of his identity.The problem with this is that he was not created to have an identity rooted in sexual orientation or human relationships. No one is. We were created to have an identity rooted in God. If that’s off, all of our desires are off and we find ourselves chasing things that we were never supposed to pursue. Homosexual relationships are one of those things. It stands contrary to God’s moral will for mankind. But we don’t have to stand as enemies of God. Through Jesus Christ, there is hope for new life. There is hope for salvation.

Becket’s story portrays this truth with such kindness and from an intimate understanding of your life experiences, thoughts, and desires. May you see his love for you, God’s love for you, as you watch it.

I am back!

Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya saya kembali ke sini.
Semoga saya bisa lebih aktif menulis dan mensharingkan artikel.

Pertama-tama, saya mau mensharingkan doa di saat kita mendapat godaan.

A Prayer in Times of Temptation

O Most Blessed Mary, my Mother in Heaven,
I cry out to you during this time of temptation.
Humbly I implore you to aid me this hour,
that my heart and mind be filled with your most Holy purity.
That I may desire the goods of Heaven over the things of Earth
and the fleeting pleasures of the flesh.

Your most Holy and Precious Son suffered His Passion,
took up His cross, and died to pay the price for my sins.
In this hour I know I am not alone,
for your steadfast love and grace fills me
and shines light in the darkness.

I give to you, my Mother in Heaven, all of my temptations,
I sacrifice them by uniting them to the Cross.
For as the Lord, your Son, took up His Cross, I also take up mine,
with the unwavering faith that the Lord will help me to carry it.
No, I am not alone, for your love and peace are always with me.

O Blessed Mother, O most Precious Jesus,
whom I love with all of my heart, mind, soul and body,
strengthen me, abide in me, and grant that I may always abide in you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, the God of Love, who in Him all things are possible.


A Call to Battle

This short but powerful and awesome video is for all men out there. There is an ongoing ‘crisis in masculinity’ today and it has devastating effects to our society as a whole. All the evil that we currently witness in the world today can be traced back to this ‘crisis in masculinity’ where men abandon their responsibilities and fail to live up to that noble vocation he is called to be. Let us all rediscover once again our true identity as men after Christ’s image and wage a battle against every form of evil, sin, and corruption in our society starting in our own family.

on the Assumption day… (a little update)

Recently, I feel that God is trying to do something with my life. It’s so funny, a few months ago, I couldn’t feel anything during Eucharistic celebration (Mass) and I was afraid that I was losing touch with God and the Church. But He proved me wrong. Now, I have this overflowing energy just to serve Him.

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Bagaimana Melepaskan Diri dari Dosa Ketidakmurnian yang Telah Menjadi Kebiasaan?

Dosa melawan kemurnian dalam konteks pelanggaran seksual adalah dosa yang mungkin merupakan dosa yang paling sering dilakukan oleh manusia. Beberapa pelanggaran terhadap kemurnian adalah: nafsu/ ketidakmurnian, masturbasi/ onani, percabulan, pornografi, prostitusi, perkosaan, homoseksualitas. (lih. KGK 2351-2357).

Dalam sepuluh perintah Allah, Tuhan memberikan larangan kepada seseorang untuk menginginkan wanita yang bukan istrinya (perintah ke-9) maupun untuk melakukan percabulan (perintah ke-6). Kristus, bahkan lebih jauh mengatakan, “Setiap orang yang memandang perempuan serta menginginkannya, sudah berzinah dengan dia di dalam hatinya” (Mat 5:28). Rasul Paulus menuliskan bahwa Allah menghendaki pengudusan kita, agar kita menjauhi percabulan (lih 1Tes 4:3). Katekismus Gereja Katolik menggolongkan dosa ketidakmurnian – dalam hal ini percabulan – menjadi salah satu dosa-dosa pokok, yang dapat mengakibatkan dosa-dosa lain dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk yang lain timbul (KGK 1866).  Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dapat terjadi, orang yang sering berfikir tidak murni dapat terjerat pada dosa pornografi, kemudian disusul dengan percabulan ataupun perzinahan, sehingga ia mempunyai pasangan di luar nikah. Akibat selanjutnya dia akan menelantarkan keluarga, sehingga keluarga hancur berantakan, dan anak-anak juga menuai akibatnya. Itulah rangkaian dosa dan akibat yang mungkin timbul, yang disebabkan oleh dosa ketidakmurnian. Jadi, kita harus berhati-hati terhadap dosa ketidakmurnian ini.

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Courage Conference 2015

Saat ini sedang berlangsung Courage Conference 2015 di Michigan (10-12 Agustus 2015) dengan tema “Love one another as I have loved you : Welcoming and Accompanying Our Brothers and Sisters with Same Sex Attraction.”


Untuk saat ini, saya hanya bisa mendoakan agar conference ini berjalan dengan lancar dan membuahkan hasil yang berlimpah. Saya berharap untuk bisa mengikuti conference di tahun-tahun yang akan datang.